
Extends ClingoBackend with functionality to compute Minumal Unsatisfiable Sets (MUS) when there is an UNSAT output.

When the domain-control produces an unsatisfiable output this backend will perform subsequents calls to find the subset minimal assumptions that caused the unsatisfiablity. The domain-state is then enhanced by the MUS using predicate _clinguin_mus/1.

MUS Basic Example

For instance in the program {a(1..4)}. :-a(1),a(2). :-a(3). if it is solved considering a(1) a(3) and a(4) as assumptions, it will lead to an unsatisfiable output. The MUS will be a subset of these assumptions such that removing any assumption will make the program satisfiable. Therefore, a(3) would be the only member in the MUS since it alone causes the unsatisfiablity with the last constraint. As such, the atom _clinguin_mus(a(3)) will be added to the domain-state.

Example Sudoku

In the sudoku, the MUS information will show in red the faulty assumptions.

attr(pos(X,Y),class,"bg-primary"):-pos(X,Y), not _clinguin_mus(sudoku(X,Y,_)), not _clinguin_mus(initial(X,Y,_)).
attr(pos(X,Y),class,"bg-danger"):-pos(X,Y), _clinguin_mus(sudoku(X,Y,_)).
attr(pos(X,Y),class,"bg-danger"):-pos(X,Y), _clinguin_mus(initial(X,Y,_)).

Including instance facts in the MUS

This is needed when some of the input facts also want to be shown to the user. The ExplanationBackend adds an argument to the command line: --assumption-signature in which the user can select which signatures will be considered as assumptions in the MUS computation. To achive this behaviour, the domain files will be internally transformed, so that all facts for atoms matching the signatures provided in this arguments are considered choices and automatically added as true assumptions.


The sudoku_advanced example provides the argument --assumption-signature=initial,3. By doing so, all the initial values in the instance of the sudoku are transfored into choices and enforced by considering them as assumptions. This way, they are also considered in unsatisfiable set and shown to the user.

Public operations#

Can be used as OPERATION in the actions of the ui-state. Also includes all public operations from the ClingoBackend.

class ExplanationBackend[source]

Extends ClingoBackend. This backend will treat an UNSAT result by adding the Minimal Unsatisfiable Core (MUC) to the domain-state, thus allowing the UI to show the faulty assumptions.

Domain state constructors#


The domain state also inclues domain constructors from the ClingoBackend

property ExplanationBackend._ds_mus#

Adds information about the Minimal Unsatisfiable Set (MUS) Includes predicate _clinguin_mus/1 for every assumption in the MUC It uses a cache that is erased after an operation makes changes in the control.