
Clinguin requires a Python version between 3.8 and 3.10 (recomend 3.10)

You can check a successfull instalaltion by running

$ clinguin -h

Installing with pip#

The python clinguin package can be found here.

$ pip install clinguin

The following dependencies used in clinguin are optional.

  1. tkinter: For using the tkinter fronted.

To include them in the installation use:

$ pip install clinguin[tkinter]


Installing from source#

The project is hosted on github and can also be installed from source. We recommend this only for development purposes.


The pip package setuptools must be previously installed

Execute the following command in the top level clinguin directory:

$ git clone
$ cd clinguin
$ pip install .[all]

Angular Frontend Development#

This section is for development and contribution in the AngularFrontend. For instance to create new element types.


The following is only required for making changes to the web-frontend.



This process shows changes made on the angular_fronted folder in real time.

  1. Start the server
    • Replace clinguin client-server by python server on the desired example

  2. Start the web client
    • Open a new tab

    • Navigate to the folder /angular_frontend.

    • Type ng serve

    • Go to the URL in your web-browser.

Compile source code#

This allows to use the AngularFrontend by passing the --frontend argument to the client.

Be sure that you have make and all the dev-tools for the web-frontend installed (Angular), as detailed below! Then type:

$ make angular

This builds the frontend, and then installs clinguin.