Angular Frontend Development#

This section is for development and contribution in the AngularFrontend. For instance to create new element types. Unlike the custom backends, these changes must be done inside the source code of clinguin. Make sure you have installed from source.


The following is only required for making changes to the web-frontend.


How to Run Changes#

This process shows changes made on the angular_fronted folder in real time.

  1. Start the server
    • Replace clinguin client-server by python server on the desired example

  2. Start the web client
    • Open a new tab

    • Navigate to the folder /angular_frontend.

    • Type ng serve

    • Go to the URL in your web browser.

Compile Source Code#

This allows using the AngularFrontend by passing the --frontend argument to the client.

Be sure that you have make and all the dev-tools for the web-frontend installed (Angular), as detailed below! Then type:

$ make angular

This builds the frontend and then installs clinguin.

Internal Workflow#

The web-frontend is a kind of non-typical Angular frontend. The reason for this lies in the nature of Clinguin, as the frontend has to be built dynamically, with all its challenges.

We use Angular-Bootstrap for creating components.

The JSON that is passed to the frontend contains all the information needed for the frontend to create a corresponding GUI. Due to the hierarchical tree-like nature of the JSON, the frontend is created in a tree-traversal manner, starting with the window.


Most element*s, such as *window, correspond to a component in the web-frontend (component; How to create a component?). Note that e.g. the dropdown_menu_item element is not a unique component but part of the dropdown_menu component.

Regarding the structure of such an element-component, the element-variable, which is of the ElementDto type, resembles the element predicate of the logic program and has importantly the children, attributes, and do lists, and the id and type variables. These variables and lists are used to set the look, feel, and behavior of the components. The attributes are generally set in the setAttributes method, which is called to change the look of a component (so not only initially but importantly also on an update in the frontend).

The when is set one time in the initial construction of the component (in the ngAfterViewInit-Lifecycle), by getting the nativeHtml element. This nativeHtml corresponds to the dom element (dom-element), where one can DIRECTLY set the style or set the content of an HTML-Tag directly as a string. As we do not know which components exist in which configuration prior to receiving a backend response, we need to dynamically create them. We use the componentCreationService (see below) for this task.

Note that the components menu-bar, context-menu, and message deviate a bit from this general tree-traversal. Only one menu-bar can exist, and it is placed at the top-level, therefore it is statically placed in the app.component.html. The context-menu and message components deviate from the rest, as they need to be placed at specific positions, relative to the viewport. Therefore, they are placed into the window.component.html.


The Angular-services are described next, which add all the fancy functionalities, like calling the backend, etc.

Important services and their description:

  • HttpService: Service that configures how get/post requests are sent to the backend. Note that the actual event is NOT handled here but just a subscribable/observable is returned.

  • DrawFrontendService: One of the most important services. It acts as a data-store for the JSON and also for other important data (like the menu-bar, context-menus, and alerts/messages). The data-store is implemented in an RXJS fashion, which implements the asynchronous subscriber-publisher principle. This service subscribes to the return values of the HttpService, therefore this service handles how the response from the backend is treated.

  • ElementLookupService: An important service for setting the look, feel, and behavior of the components. It acts as a data-store (non-RXJS type), which stores objects of components/elements.

  • ComponentCreationService: Service that dynamically creates components. If one wants to add new components, this needs to be specified here!.

  • ChildBearerService: Closely related to the ComponentCreationService is this service, which handles the call of the correct attribute-handling-methods, to ensure correct placement, etc. Note that the ChildBearerService calls the ComponentCreationService. The name derives from the fact that it adds looks to the newly created component. With the values of this data-store, one is able to set dynamically the shared element methods (like setAttributes).

  • ContextService: Data-store (non-RXJS type) for the context, i.e., the key-value pair that resides both in the frontend and in the backend.

  • ModalRefService: Data-store (non-RXJS type) for the modals. Needed for ensuring that modals are reloaded/closed when getting backend responses.

  • ContextMenuService: Data-store (non-RXJS type) for the context-menus. Needed to ensure the context-menus are closed/opened properly (indirectly) Implements useful methods that are needed for the context.

  • ConfigService: Reads the configuration file, where the server-url and server-port are stored.

  • LocatorService: Helper service for injecting services into functions.

  • CallbackHelperService: Handles that the correct event-listener is created for the correct event. Currently handled do-operation-types are update, context, call/callback, and show_context_menu.

  • AttributeHelperService: This service ensures a translation between commonly used attributes in Clinguin and their corresponding part in CSS. Note that it is possible to set CSS styles directly, via the setAttributesDirectly method. This method is by default always called for all attributes, just note that the attribute-keys have to be in camelCase notation (e.g., align-items to alignItems).