Graph coloring#

  • Backend: ClingraphBackend

Implements the graph coloring problem. Showcases how to use the domain state in the clingraph encoding.


$ clinguin client-server --domain-files graph_coloring/{encoding.lp,instance.lp} --ui-files graph_coloring/ui.lp --backend=ClingraphBackend --clingraph-files=graph_coloring/viz.lp

Domain Files#


    (1,2); (1,3); (1,4);
    (2,4); (2,5); (2,6);
    (3,4); (3,5);

color(red; green; blue).
{ assign(N, C) : color(C) } = 1 :- node(N).

:- edge((N, M)), assign(N, C), assign(M, C).

UI Files#

elem(window, window, root).

    % Info message
    elem(l, message, window).
    attr(l, message, "Right click on node to select color!").
    attr(l, type, warning).
    attr(l, visibility, hidden):- _clinguin_assume(_,_).

    % Context menu
    elem(context_menu(X), context_menu, window) :- node(X).
        elem(bcm(X,C), button, context_menu(X)) :- color(C), node(X), _any(assign(X,C)).
        attr(bcm(X,C), label, C) :- color(C), node(X).
        when(bcm(X,C), click, callback, add_assumption(assign(X,C),true)) :- _any(assign(X,C)).

    % Clingraph image
    elem(c, canvas, window).
    attr(c, order, 2).
    attr(c, image_type, clingraph).

        elem(n(X), svg_node, c) :- node(X).
        attr(n(X), clingraph_id, X) :- node(X).
        when(n(X), right_click, update, (context_menu(X),visibility,shown)):- node(X).

    % Download modal
    elem(modal, modal, window).
    attr(modal, title, "Download").

        elem(c1, container, modal).
        attr(c1, flex_direction, "column").
        attr(c1, class, "align-items-end").

            elem(b1, button, c1).
            when(b1, click, call, download(_context_value(show_download,str,"#show assign/2."))).
            attr(b1, label, "Download").
            attr(b1, class, "m-1").
            attr(b1, class, "btn-success").
            attr(b1, icon, "fa-download").

            elem(t1, textfield, c1).
            attr(t1, placeholder, "Optional #show statements").
            attr(t1, width, 450).
            when(t1, input, context, (show_download, _value)).

% Menu bar
elem(menu_bar, menu_bar, window).
attr(menu_bar, title, "Graph coloring").
attr(menu_bar, icon, "fa-diagram-project").

    elem(menu_bar_clear, button, menu_bar).
    attr(menu_bar_clear, label, "Clear").
    attr(menu_bar_clear, icon, "fa-trash").
    attr(menu_bar_clear, class, ("btn-outline-danger";"border-0")).
    when(menu_bar_clear, click, callback, clear_assumptions).

    elem(menu_bar_download, button, menu_bar).
    attr(menu_bar_download, label, "Download").
    attr(menu_bar_download, icon, "fa-download").
    when(menu_bar_download, click, update, (modal, visibility, shown)).

    elem(menu_bar_select, button, menu_bar).
    attr(menu_bar_select, label, "Select solution").
    attr(menu_bar_select, icon, "fa-hand-pointer").
    when(menu_bar_select, click, callback, select).

    elem(menu_bar_next, button, menu_bar).
    attr(menu_bar_next, label, "Next").
    attr(menu_bar_next, icon, "fa-forward-step").
    when(menu_bar_next, click, callback, next_solution).